Srujankumar Polepally

Data Scientist | Data Analyst | Business Analyst

I'm an aspect programmer who's fascinated by the intersection between data science and data analytics, as well as narrative. Words and statistics, in my opinion, are the two most potent instruments for changing the world.

I spend the most of my time staring at a computer screen. During the day, I usually program in order to extract information from enormous datasets. Data analysis, visualization, machine learning, and BI technologies are among my skills. I've honed my problem-solving skills, and I enjoy a good challenge now and then. I frequently work on end-to-end data science initiatives, which typically begin with data collection from third-party sources and conclude with business insight in the form of customer segments.

Enrolled Master's Degree in Högskolan Dalarna - Sweden

Micro Data Analysis(2020-2021)

Thesis Title: Creating Financial Database for Education & Research: Using WEBSCRAPING Technique

Machine Learning - Project Intern

International Association of Advanced Materials, Sweden.
Duration - July 2021 - Current

  • Project Title: Predictify Healthcare Application
  • Aim: The goal of the Application, takes your current lifestyle, food habits and exercise patterns as a input, sit on your mobile and validate that data, compare it with the open health data available, and predict that if you continue today's lifestyle and food habits, where you will end up with respect to health down the line in 10-15-20 years.
  • Data Sources: WHO, Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services & Hospital Management.
  • Gathering complex data from different sources and storing it into databases.
  • Use machine learning methods((Supervised & Reinforcement) to predict the data.

Data Analyst Intern

Lanvit Technologies Pvt.Ltd, India.
Duration: Apr 2019 - Oct 2019

  • Project Title: Thermal Comfort Prediction.
  • My purpose was to find challenges that could be solved using machine learning and to turn those difficulties into a machine learning project.
  • The state of mind of a person who is at ease in their surroundings, such as temperature, air velocity, humidity, and so on.
  • I utilized the ASHRAE Thermal Comfort dataset and performed Data Cleaning, Categorical Features Encoding, and Model Creation. I'm using RandomForestClassifier Ensemble Technique to forecast thermal comfort because my Target Variable is "Thermal comfort" with values as a category.
  • Validate user-centric scenarios by extracting, loading, and reconciling massive quantities of data f rom many system platforms and sources.

Data Mininng Intern

V2BITS Technologies Pvt.Ltd, India.
Duration: Jun 2018 - Dec 2018

  • Project Title: Project Title: Analysing Customers Pain
  • Text Mining - Using BeautifulSoup and Selenium, scraped reviews f rom the US healthcare industry networking hardware resources
  • Natural Language Processing - Using Python libraries like NLTK, and Scikit-Learn, applied Sentiment Analysis to the review data-set to discover consumer pain areas.
  • Manual theme labeling and topic modeling. Implement a data mining system based on customer needs and industry trends.
  • Extracting & Analyzing data. Validate various data pulls for accuracy and completeness.
  • Develop data mining processes for large data files.

My Skills

Programming Languages:

Python, SQL, and R


Oracle Sql Developer, Data Warehouse and MySQL


NLTK, Scrapy, NumPy, Pandas, Matplotlib, Seaborn, Plotly, tidymodels, tidyverse, ggplot2, Tensorflow, ANN & CNN.

BI Tools:

MS Office, Power BI, and Tableau.

Machine Learning Algorithm:

Linear Regression, Logistic Regressions, Decision Tree, SVM, Naïve Bayes, KNN, k-means, Random Forest, Gradient Boosting Algorithms, Open CV, Face_recognition, keras & tensorflow.

Statistical Learning:

Sample size Determination, Normal Distribution, Probability, and Hypothesis Testing

Businss Intelligence:

Dashboards, Visualizations, Reporting, Predictive Analytics, Data Mining, & ETL

Personal Projects

Customer Personality Analysis

Customer Personality Analysis is helps a business to better understand its customers and makes it easier for them to modify products according to the specific needs, behaviors and concerns of different types of customers

Movies Recommendation System App

Building a Movie Recommendation System web application using Flask and Recommendation technique called Collaborative Filtering.

Telco Churn Analysis & Prediction

Having the ability to accurately predict future churn rates is necessary because it helps your business gain a better understanding of future expected revenue.

Analysing Customers Pain

Using Sentiment Analysis to understand Customer Satisfaction in US Healthcare Industry

Thermal Comfort Prediction

Majority of energy consumption in buildings is due to air-conditioning, because of hot and humid weather. This project is a data-driven approach to predict individual thermal comfort using environmental and human factors as input.

Extract Text Summerization

The method of constructing a condensed version of the original text while maintaining crucial information. Humans are natural summarizers since we can comprehend the overall meaning of a document simply by reading it.

Housing_Data_Cleaning in SQL

I cleaned a public database on Nashville house sales. To execute queries that standardized dates, populated missing data, split data into new columns, removed duplicates, and removed unnecessary columns.

Product Sales Analysis in PowerBI

This project report will go through Sales overiew, customer & product details.

Get in touch

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