Other Projects

School Perfomance Analysis

Analysis of school district data, such as school budgets and student performance, to uncover trends and draw conclusions.

Framingham Heart Study

In this Case Study I'm performing Exploratory Analysis & Building a model which will Classify if Patient has CHD or Not.

Master's Thesis

Our objective of this thesis is to expand the microdata database of publicly available corporate information of the university by web scraping mechanism.


The Spring of 2020, closed educational institutions to stop the spread of the virus. In this project Analysing digital impact on students.

Bank Data Analysis in PowerBI

Classify "Nowadays, marketing expenditures in the banking industry are massive, Understanding customers’ need leads to more effective marketing plans, smarter product designs and greater customer satisfaction.

Sales Analysis in PowerBI

Using PowerBI sample datasets, gets into insights from the raw sales data.

My Finance Dashborad in PowerBI

The most important indicators of the financial health and position, that are tracked in financial statements such as Profit, Loss, savings and others

Customer Data Analysis in SQL

In this project will go through the analysis on customer data